Who is not
anything, learns
XEPTUM is aware of the importance of regional networks and associations. This is also reflected in the currently existing memberships.
Economic Council (Wirtschaftsrat der CDU e. V.)
This economic council of professional entrepreneurs comprises some 11,000 members from all across Germany who represent the business community's interests in their dealings with politicians, administrators, and the public at large.
Since 2015, both of XEPTUM's board members have contributed to the council's Baden-Württemberg chapter – Peter Eisele through the board and the committee on education and training, and Hans Tscherwitschke as the state delegate for the Heilbronn section. Our involvement in this organization enables us to take an active role in shaping business and social policy in Baden-Württemberg as we work toward aligning educational opportunities more closely to the needs of the economy. In addition, it gives us the chance to add outstanding people and companies to our own network and establish personal relationships with political decision-makers in the region.

connect.IT Heilbronn-Franken e. V.
Under the name „connect.IT – the IT network for Heilbronn-Franken“, representatives of various companies, regional and economic development associations as well as Heilbronn University have come together to form a common IT network for the region of Heilbronn-Franconia. connect.IT Heilbronn-Franken e. V. (connect.IT) wants to further communication between IT-oriented employees, companies, school children and students.
The goal of our membership is to support the association in achieving its objectives. In this way we intend to contribute to the promotion of young IT professionals and of innovation and knowledge transfer between IT players in the region as well as to establish a regional IT awareness.
DSAG e. V.
The German-Speaking SAP User Group (DSAG e. V.) in Walldorf sees its role as that of an independent representative of the interests of all SAP users in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The aim of DSAG is to exert its influence in the functional extension and improvement of SAP products to create SAP solutions designed to meet the needs of users. Direct contact with SAP SE is the foundation of successful collaboration. Founded in June of 1997 as a registered association, DSAG serves as an umbrella organization for all other user groups in the SAP environment and has established itself with more than 3.000 current members as the world’s largest SAP user group.
Through its membership in the German-speaking SAP User Group (DSAG), XEPTUM Consulting AG wants to do its part in achieving ongoing improvements and functional enhancements in SAP’s products and have a voice in the company's future developments. Here, our reputation for consulting excellence continues to solidify our status within the group. Employees from XEPTUM are active members of various DSAG work groups and special interest groups. In fact, several of these work groups were initiated or are currently led by XEPTUM experts.