Project Success Through Proven SAP Project Methodology
Are you planning a SAP S/4HANA migration or have you already implemented the new SAP Business Suite but are finding it doesn't run smoothly? Then you should turn to the XEPTUM optimization experts: with the proven XEPTUM methodology, you can get your SAP projects under control in three steps – Scan-Focus-Act.
Many IT managers and CEOs know the problem: they need to transform their SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) to S/4HANA by the end of maintenance announced for 2027 and are looking for a suitable project partner. Others have already made the switch but are finding issues in many areas. And this, despite the fact that the installation of other important S/4HANA functions is still pending!
What Distinguishes XEPTUM's SAP Project Methodology?
In both scenarios, XEPTUM is your ideal partner. Our Scan-Focus-Act method sets the stage for the successful execution of your SAP project. This approach is characterized by systematically defining the project framework through an analysis of the starting point (Scan) and the definition of a clear goal (Focus). This is done in close collaboration with you, taking into account both technical and business aspects. Only after the project framework is defined can we, together with you, determine and implement the necessary steps (Act) to achieve the goal. Throughout the process, we always aim to adhere to predetermined costs, budgets, scopes, and timelines.

Scan: What is Needed for a Clear Starting Point?
A clear starting point (Scan) is essential to avoid unpleasant surprises during the project. However, this doesn't mean analyzing and documenting the current situation in exhaustive detail. A solid foundation requires transparency about the initial situation, such as the functional status of an application or the functions being used. Typically, the customer is aware of this initial situation, but it is not communicated to all involved parties. In such cases, it is sufficient to inform all project participants about the starting point. Otherwise, an initial inventory of the project situation must be conducted.

Focus: What is the Exact Goal of the SAP Project?
Identifying problems, functional gaps, or optimization potential is a good starting point for an SAP project. However, it doesn't clearly define what the customer wants to achieve. Therefore, the precise formulation and specification of requirements are of immense importance. Only when the goal – the Focus – is transparent to everyone can the project implementation be successful. Based on our more than 20 years of SAP project experience and our extensive know-how, we can optimally support you in formulating your specific goal. Depending on the type and size of the project, we employ proven project management methods such as the SMART criteria or the Scrum "Definition of Done" approach. It is crucial that all project participants have the same understanding of the goal and that the SAP project is given clear priority over other activities.

Act: Which Method is Suitable?
The path – the Act – is always the most challenging part of an SAP project. While it depends on where a customer is starting from and where they want to go, there are universal parameters for successful implementation. These include solid planning, good communication, and above all, transparency. XEPTUM has a wealth of proven methods that we select and tailor to your individual requirements based on the project goal, type, and environment.
Here are a few examples:
Vertical Consulting Approach:
It is generally used in a typical SAP optimization project and means that we provide the customer with comprehensive support: from the initial thoughts on an optimization or functional enhancement, through design, blueprint and implementation, to the go-live and subsequent Application Management Services (AMS). Depending on the customer's requirements, we take a classic approach using the phase model in accordance with the customer-specific release cycles or an agile approach using the Scrum method.
Hybrid project approaches are ideal for larger projects that involve the complete integration of an SAP system. In concrete terms, this means that while the main phases are processed sequentially using the waterfall method, agile project methods such as Scrum or Kanban are used within these phases.
X'Accelerate Method:
With our own X'Accelerate approach, we shorten the scan and focus phase in the "Fast Track to S/4HANA Model" in order to be able to answer the following key questions as quickly as possible: Conversion, Selective Data Migration or Greenfield?
XEPTUM uses this method to pre-qualify specific subject areas. In short workshops, we use structured questionnaires to record the core processes or core requirements relevant to the topic. The results are incorporated into the specification of the starting point and possible objectives.
SAP Activate Method:
We use this method for the introduction of S/4HANA Public Cloud Edition and adapt it for the most efficient use of the content provided.
Application Management Services (AMS):
In classic and support-like projects, where we support our customers in their day-to-day SAP operations, we fully customize our collaboration to the customer's needs. In the case of AMS contracts, we establish our sophisticated AMS processes to ensure compliance with the contractually agreed response times and other service level agreements (SLAs).
What Advantages Does XEPTUM's SAP Project Methodology Offer?
The added value that XEPTUM offers its customers is the result of the interaction of several components. These include high-quality project implementation by experts with business and technical expertise, the assurance of high quality standards and risk minimization through transparency as well as guaranteed compliance with the agreed project goals - without costly detours. Depending on the project, we use our own tried-and-tested tools as well as Microsoft and SAP products.
Our unique selling point lies in our ability to use our expertise and experience to successfully continue where implementation partners and traditional system houses reach their limits. By consistently using the Scan-Focus-Act method, we have a clear view of the starting point, the goal and the necessary steps.
What Role do XEPTUM's Customer Journey Maps Play?
For larger projects, such as the transformation from SAP ECC to S/4HANA, we develop so-called customer journey maps for our customers. We use the X'Check findings to create strategy papers, which in turn are incorporated into customer-specific roadmaps and implementation schedules using the X'Accelerate method. This includes preparatory projects as well as the actual S/4HANA system introduction and further digitalization potential towards the Intelligent Enterprise.
In addition to constantly updated methods and documents, XEPTUM always provides the right specialists for the entire range of topics. Our complete service portfolio is shown in the XEPTUM layer model.
Why is Teamwork so Important for the Success of a Project?
However, the best project management methods are useless without the people who apply them with motivation and ambition. Good consulting is and remains teamwork - especially in the increasingly complex SAP ecosystem. Bringing together different areas of expertise to form a targeted team is the key success factor for IT projects. That's why collaboration is so important to us.
Although working methods have changed in recent years as a result of both advancing digitalization and the experiences of the coronavirus era, teamwork is and remains defined by social interaction. Even if this can be optimized with digital media, we still see physical interaction as the core element of our work.
For this reason, experienced consultants work closely with our young professionals in our new place X office building to ensure an intensive exchange and efficient processing of project tasks. Our partners are also directly involved and play a fully integrated role in the project work. This results in innovative and high-quality solutions for the special challenges of our clients - made by XEPTUM.
Are you Interested in XEPTUM's SAP Project Methodology?
Then get in touch with us and find out more about our Scan-Focus-Act approach! You will see: With the proven XEPTUM methodology, you can keep your SAP project under control at all times.
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