Having a Clear Out Before the Big Move – Preparing Custom Developments for the Future

Having a Clear Out Before the Big Move – Preparing Custom Developments for the Future

Take advantage of this unique opportunity for your custom code management

The migration to S/4HANA offers a unique opportunity not only to transfer custom developments (custom code) by means of quality custom code management, but also to future-proof these custom developments.

When transferring custom code, whether in a greenfield, brownfield, or combined scenario, the focus is often purely on the IT perspective. In addition to technical adjustments to the coding, however, a number of other aspects have to be taken into account when preparing the custom code for S/4HANA.

The findings of the HANA ATC test results do not take into account which programs are additionally required, which processes can be improved, or which programs may be obsolete and can therefore be deleted. This is what happens if a custom code analysis focuses purely on the technical aspects. A pure ATC approach also ignores additional criteria such as testability, necessary process changes, documentation, translation, performance, etc.

Shaping effective transformation

But how can IT managers prepare for the transition to S/4HANA and the required custom code migration as effectively as possible?

We recommend starting the analysis at a higher level. A proven method is to start with processes that have already been defined. If no processes have yet been defined, a module-based approach is also an option.

For each process or module, the first thing to do is check whether there are any related innovations in SAP S/4HANA. It is worth using the XEPTUM solution XEPTUM Process & Fiori Pathfinder here for efficient process mapping.

In this context, existing documentation and test cases should also be checked as these are intrinsically linked to a process.

For processes that are to remain functionally the same, it is also important to check whether technical changes are desired, for example:

  • Fiori apps instead of dialog apps
  • CDS views instead of joins
  • Optimization of long-running processes with new HANA features
  • Optimization of support-intensive applications
  • Use of unit tests

There are fundamental technical differences between the ‘old’ ERP world and the S/4HANA world. Since IT professionals will have to support both worlds in the coming years, it is important that they are deployed in both day-to-day and project business in the future to optimally prepare them for their future roles.

For each improvement category, start a project that your developers can implement using the new technologies. A report on this for colleagues from your own developer can work wonders!