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Data Retention Tool by SAP

Data Retention Tool for Compliance and Tax Audits

In the dynamic world of SAP applications, the ability to efficiently extract and manage data is crucial for the success of a tax audit. With the Data Retention Tool (DART), companies can meet this challenge while also complying with legal requirements. XEPTUM offers expertise and tailored solutions to reduce the burden on departments and meet the DART-specific requirements of our customers.

What are the primary purposes of providing DART extracts?

DART extracts serve to provide auditors and tax examiners with a snapshot of relevant business data to effectively review the accounting period. They are an essential component of tax audits for the tax authorities and for auditors, helping to ensure transparency and compliance.

What data is typically included in a DART extract?

A DART extract generally contains detailed information about business transactions, including logistics, finance, and controlling, which are relevant for a tax audit.

What types of companies or organizations typically need DART extracts?

From small businesses to multinational corporations, particularly those using SAP ECC or SAP S/4HANA, can use DART extracts to meet the requirements of regulatory authorities and the recommended requirement catalog of the DSAG.

What steps are required to provide a DART extract?

Providing a DART extract requires careful planning and execution, starting with defining the extraction criteria to reviewing the extracted data.

How can data protection and security concerns be considered when providing DART extracts?

Data protection and security are of the highest priority when working with DART extracts. Companies must ensure that all data is handled and secured in accordance with data protection policies. XEPTUM supports you in not only meeting these standards but also exceeding them.

Why should you choose XEPTUM?

XEPTUM offers comprehensive consulting on the use of DART functionality. From implementation to regular maintenance and execution, we ensure that you can fully exploit the potential of DART without burdening your department.