Optimized Freight Cost Settlement in SAP S/4HANA
Freight cost settlement, as a fully integrated solution within SAP S/4HANA Settlement Management, provides complete transparency at all times, eliminating the need for external solutions.
What Challenges Arise in Freight Cost Settlement?
Handling freight cost settlements presents immense challenges for many companies. The lack of transparency regarding delivery and transportation costs – especially due to the missing integration of SD freight cost settlements – often leads to difficulties in analysis. As a workaround, companies frequently rely on manual calculation methods or custom developments within SAP.
What Solutions Does SAP S/4HANA Settlement Management Offer?
Fully integrated mapping within Settlement Management ensures complete transparency in freight cost settlements at all times. This eliminates the need for custom developments or external software solutions. With SAP standard functionalities, reporting becomes effortless.
What Is SAP S/4HANA Settlement Management?
SAP S/4HANA Settlement Management is based on the SAP ECC Agency Business (LO-AB) and Settlement Management functionalities. This module is used in SAP for all relevant financial settlement processes. It enables customer-specific solutions in the area of compensation settlement, including freight cost settlement. The functionality of SAP Condition Contract Management (SAP CCM) can be utilized for this purpose.