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Universal Allocation in SAP S/4HANA

Transparency and Control: The New Allocation Process with Universal Allocation in SAP S/4HANA

Imagine if your company could allocate all overheads with just a few clicks, speeding up allocation processes by 30%. This can be achieved with universal allocation in SAP S/4HANA. This new function offers a user-friendly interface and saves time and effort.

What is Universal Allocation in SAP S/4HANA?

Since S/4HANA 1909, Universal Allocation has been a new SAP functionality for the allocation of overhead costs. It was developed to reduce the complexity of traditional allocation processes and provides a unified platform for the distribution of both plan and actual data.
The user interface for managing and executing allocation processes consists of Fiori apps. For comprehensive control, three Fiori apps are required, which are not subject to additional licensing:

  • Manage Allocations (App ID: F3338)
  • Run Allocations (App ID: F3548)
  • Allocation Results (App ID: F4363)

How Does Universal Allocation Work in SAP S/4HANA?

The allocation process is performed in the same way as in SAP ECC using cycles and segments. Therefore, necessary master data, such as allocation cost elements, must be defined in advance. Allocation cycles can be executed for all ledgers and currency types at the company code level for both actual and plan data. The allocation results are posted to the new database structures ACDOCA and ACDOCP.

When creating a cycle, an allocation context and an allocation type must be specified.
In the allocation context, the following CO objects can be used:

  • Cost Center (allocation from cost center to cost center or WBS element)
  • Profit Center (allocation from profit center to profit center)
  • Margin Analysis (allocation from cost center to profitability object)

The following allocation types are available:

  • Assessment
  • Distribution
  • Top-Down Distribution

The "Manage Allocations" app serves as the central entry point for creating all necessary cycles and related segments. In SAP ECC, different allocation cycles had to be executed separately using specific transactions, such as transaction KSC5 and KSU5.

The "Allocation Results" app displays the results of executed cycles in both test and actual runs. Additionally, users can drill down into a cycle for more detailed information.

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Universal Allocation in SAP S/4HANA?

Integration with SAP Fiori provides a user-friendly interface and simplifies the process. All essential functions for key users are consolidated into two main apps. Additionally, all plan and actual values are posted to a unified data model (ACDOCA/ACDOCP) for all allocations, reducing redundancies.

However, it should be noted that not all allocation types available in SAP ECC are currently supported in Universal Allocation. For example, order and WBS element settlement is not available. A thorough pre-analysis of your allocation processes is therefore essential to integrate them into the overall S/4HANA context, considering the new data model and ensuring process improvements within your system.

For any questions regarding Universal Allocation, we are happy to assist you.